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11- I cannot satisfy the beam-column connection check in highly ductile buildings?
You must increase the effective shear area by connecting the beams from the center or put more walls to decrease the moments and the beam bars.
12- Can point load or line loads be entered in Sta4CAD?
With Sta4CAD v13, brick wall loads can be defined on slabs. The loads will be solved with yield-line method. If the load is critical, then the slab can be examined in FEA analysis section.
16- Why don't the slab bars pass through to neighbour slabs?
The slab continuity must be defined for the data input window.
17- How can I delete/add a story in Sta4CAD?
It can be done from "Sta4 Building input data > Building story data" menu.
13- Can Sta4CAD import/export data to other softwares? Can we start our model from an architectural drawing?
Sta4CAD can import/export data to Staad-pro, Sap2000 and ETABS software. Also it can get one story plan and construct models from an architectural drawing.
14- Why doesn't Sta4CAD apply the options I adjusted?
The option button on the main page changes the default options. If you want to change a specific project option, open the project first and change it from its sub-menus.
15- In what condition does Sta4CAD perceives polygonal columns as shear walls?
If the polygonal column is longer than 149 cm in the plan, Sta4CAD treads it as a shear wall. This doesn't affect the static results but it will change the design.
30 years in the software engineering.
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STA Steel